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Apr 4, 2009

Youtube: Jamaat ut-Tabligh exposed - Part 2


i have been watching this video on youtube and felt really sorry for people who spread this false information.

Yes its true that there is a grave in masjid area, but not in place where we read salah. the grave was actually outside of masjid, but when the masjid was extended, they had to take that area inside in order to get extra place, as the roads cover from all sides as seen in picture.

but a room was built around the grave and no one can even imagine that grave is present there. in is completely fake video, bcoz when the building was built as shown in picture, by this time the grave was completely closed and i wonder from where did this guy got the picture of grave which is so open. though the room has a small window, which is always locked, it is closed from all four sides with no openings except a small window. and this room is completely backside to the salah area

its really unfortunate that people spread false information in order to get own benifits

May Allah forgive us for our sins

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