Nov 24, 2009
Overcome the barriers to understand the truth
At first, if a person is not a Hafidh and they are not scholars, it's best not to quote in Arabic. If a person feels that they must do it for Allah knows best what reasons, then they should make sure that they are not relying on their memory but rather, they should have it written out on paper. If not that, then have a Hafiz sit with you to correct your Quran mistakes. If not that, then at least once it's recorded, go over the recording and if you come across any mistakes, edit them out. We all make mistakes but steps should be taken to rectify it instead of putting it up online with so many mistakes. Some of those files have been up for years and I don't want to start dropping names and calling out people, but this is a very important issue and Tabligh dealt with it many years ago.
Tasawwuf Peers should implement the same rule as well. If I had Khalifahs :), I would keep my out on them to make sure that they are not making such glaring obvious mistakes. If they did, I would point it out to them.
Whilst at it….Let me also point out that we all have scholars whom we love and whom we hold in high esteem. We all are affiliated with one Islamic group or another. If their mistake is ever pointed out, we should take a deep breath and ask ourselves, “Is the mistake that is pointed out true or not?” If it is not, then we explain to the person that it is a misunderstanding. If it is a mistake then we should be happy that the mistake was pointed out about our “Sheikh” or “Group” or any other affiliation we have. Then we should try our utmost to have that mistake rectified.
But what is not correct is when a mistake is pointed out about beloved scholar or group or whatever else we are attached with, we start getting defensive and try to bring down many others with us as well. What’s so hard about saying, “Yes. That’s wrong and it should be corrected.” No Sheikh or a religious group is infallible. We all make mistakes and when they are made and they are pointed out, it’s not the end of the world. Don’t go all crazy in trying to defend an obvious wrong. All those who are not attached to that Sheikh or that group can easily tell how biased we are if we are trying to defend an obvious wrong. It takes a man to realize that yes, that is a genuine mistake and it needs to be rectified. When we start thinking that our scholars and our groups are infallible and they are free from fault and blame and they are faultless like prophets, then that’s really wrong and that needs to be corrected.
Also, if you're going to put up something online for the whole world to read and listen to, then don't start complaining when people criticize it. If it's one the World Wide Web and then don't expect only praises.
When someone praises us, we get happy and when someone criticizes us....we get..... ?
That’s Tazkiyah 101 :)
Original article:
Nov 22, 2009
Successful Marriages
Issue Number One: Let's Copy My Parents
The first pitfall that people recognized is: "We're going to do it like my family did it. We're going to do it like my mother and father did it." And she's saying, "No, we're going to do it like my mother and father did it." And that goes into the anaaniyya that was mentioned earlier – the state of selfishness. Because the constructs which have been built in us, when it comes to marriage, no matter how hard we try to educate ourselves, are basically the constructs we learnt from our parents. What we saw from our parents.
I'll give you a good example. I'm from Oklahoma. My mother and father hate divorce. Alhamdulillah, my mother and father have been married almost sixty years without divorce. I saw them get in fights, I saw a glass break or two. But [it was] never physical. I never saw my father get physical with my mother, ever. Never in front of the kids. They'd raise their voices. They yelled at each other. [When] we were little we said, "Are you guys fighting?" [They responded] "No we're not fighting. Go in your room and shut the door." That's what we do. It's ingrained in me and my brother not to like divorce. So I had another family member who got into a divorce – non-Muslim – and my mother and father's reaction was like "Wait a minute." Why? That's how I was raised.
Now I've learned – through studying in al-Azhar, through reading books, from sitting with scholars, from being around people like you – the concept of divorce we have in Islam. But it's very difficult for me to overcome that construct, because that's what I saw, that's what I lived.
So when we come into a marriage we have to be honest with ourselves. As our dear Sheikh mentioned, we cannot make "I" the focus of everything – my family, my way of doing things. This is a very dangerous problem that comes out of selfishness. What we have to strive for are general Islamic guidelines, general Islamic principles that take into mind the reality of the human being.
How many times did people come to the Prophet (s) and complain about [their wives]? Never? Come on! Read the book on divorce and some of the collections of hadith. How many times did women [come to the Prophet]? Once a woman came to Aisha (it's in Sahih Bukhari), she was black and blue because her husband beat her. Yeah, in Madinah! [Someone sounding shocked:] "Subhan Allah, how could you say that about the companions?!" It's in Sahih Bukhari. So the Prophet (s) dealt with that.
When we come into a marriage situation instead of saying "I…I…I" we have to say "I" and "we". Because to take "I" out of the equation is not realistic, man. I'm going to tell you something. I love to give, but I love to receive. I'm not going to lie. I come home and my wife says, "You know I cooked for you this prawn biryani." I'm not like, "I'm not happy, I didn't give you anything." Hey, I'm ready. Bismillah. Forget Atkins, man. Let's go for it.
One woman came to me and said, "If I could marry anyone it would be my dad."
And I said, "Hey, wait a minute now…"
She said, "No, I would make him, I would make him!"
I said, "Look, you don't make anything. But you're pleased with the qadr (decree) of Allah (SWT)."
So number one, we have to realize, as was mentioned by one social scientist, one of the major reasons – and this was in America by the way, not overseas – that people have problems in their marriage is: "I'm [going] do it like my mom and dad did it. I'm going to replicate everything."
[One time] I met a Muslim brother who told me, "We have to replicate the seerah. So for thirteen years we have to do this. Then, in ten years, this is going to happen. And after that, nas (people), they're going to become Muslim afwaajaa (in droves)."
I said, "Brother, you're a fool."
He said, "Why?"
I said, "Show me once in history where history repeated itself like that, word for word, letter for letter."
And communicate with your spouse. Talk, man, talk! If you don't talk, somebody's going to walk.
So first and foremost, the "I" and the "we" is a combination. Definitely as an individual – and I'm not a social Darwinist – but as an individual you're going to benefit, as a person, from marriage. Why'd you get married in the first place? Because you want to benefit. You want to benefit this deen (religion), you want to become a better Muslim. So you reap the benefits in this life and the next. Secondly, investing and being humble and mature enough to deal with issues as a family.
How many sisters and brothers have came to me and said, "You know one time I was talking with my wife about something, akhi and I said to her this and she said 'Oh my God, I can't believe you did that!'" Come on, relax. That's your husband. You got to carry him and be there for him.
Sometimes sisters might say, "You know when I was in seventh grade I let this guy push me on the swing." [And the husband exclaims] "Oh, you've stained my honor as a husband!" Come on, man. Unrealistic. Unrealistic expectations.
Oct 23, 2009
Oct 18, 2009
Leave the controversies and unite
People should remember tabligh has reached out to various peoples of different backgrounds
you cannot hope everyone to follow what u think is best
there are various examples here
a brother whos father is shia and mother is sunni, he also joins us and listens to us, if we start to tell him that u should get bayah to a sunni sheikh as shais are deviant, do u think he will listen to what we say ?
another brothers mother is sunni and her husband is mahdvi, he also comes in gusht etc.. so if we say ur father is deviant will he come ?
my classmate who hails from a pure shia family, used to attend our ijtema in college, now if we start saying to him, that shias are deviant, will he come ?
similarly there are issues with tasawwuf and not all of them follow, if we start saying zikr means u should get bayah to sheikh, then will they come to tabligh ? (i too doesnt follow tasawwuf)
this is the reason tabligh doesnt promote controversial issues, since its aim is to join the ummah.
If some one feels that something is important, let him follow it personally, please do not try to impose it on others who dont like to follow, this will cause only division. Surely guidance is in the hands of Allah, we should do dua for guidance of others if they think that others are wrong
Moulana Saad said dont speak of the shortcomings of ummah, speak of the good qualities which you want others to have
Oct 2, 2009
A believer is a mirror to another believer
I remember when our restroom mirror was being replaced, my family decided to snatch mine, until a new one was bought. I didn't really mind it at the time, I didn't really use it that much…or so I thought. After they took it away, my life became a little…lopsided. Each morning I would wake up, get dressed, then stand before my dresser looking forward, prepared to tackle the task of wrapping my hijab, and to my dismay, every day, I found myself staring at a rosey pink wall. I was tricked into it each morning, for that week. Every day I would be a little startled when I couldn't see myself when I wanted to. It doesn't sound like that big of a deal, since all I had to do was open my bedroom door, head down the hall and into the restroom, to see myself…but surprisingly, it was. It was then, last February, that I realized the true blessing of having a mirror. Wa Alhamdulilah. This realization has recently expanded to more than just the physical world, about one month ago when I listened to a lecture by sheikh Kamal El-mekki, hafidhahullah. His talk, named Got Manners?, was enough to slap me awake, turn me around, and spark a love in my heart for mirrors all over the world. Sounds materialistic aye? Hardly. Before I tell you the points that really did it for me, I want you to take a moment and think. Think about a day when you were deprived of any mirror being anywhere near you. Think about what would happen. Think about how you would look when you left the house. Think about how self conscious you would be. Now reflect. The Prophet, sal Allahu Alayhi wa salam , said ""A believer is a mirror to another believer" (narrated by Abu Huraira—transmitted in Abu Dawud). Now WHY did He say this? Why choose mirror specifically and not just say "they give naseeha (advice) to one another?
Allahu Akbar! Now I pose the question, Brother and Sisters: What kind of mirrors do you surround yourself with? What type of mirror are you? -- Mohammad Salih |
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Aug 1, 2009
Sayings of Moulana Saad
inshaAllah i will be updating some of his saying, which i made a note of
Jul 31, 2009
Tabligh jamath dennounces gunpoint shariah
Leaders of the Jamaat, who scrupulously avoid speaking on controversial issues, also called for promoting inter-faith harmony, tolerance, human rights, social justice and peace.
They were speaking at the conclusion of a three-day congregation near here on Monday. ‘Shariah cannot be enforced at gunpoint,’ declared Haji Abdul Wahab, Amir of the Tableeghi Jamaat, Pakistan.
Had that been the case, Allah Almighty would have sent fierce angels to protect prophets and enforce their faiths, he said.
The 90-year-old scholar, who left his job as sessions judge in pre-partition India and joined the Jamaat, cited the example of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), said the Holy Prophet never used force. Instead he spread the word of God only by peaceful means.
Haji Abdul Wahab also condemned extremism and militancy in the name of Islam, apparently a reference to the growing trend of Talibanisation and enforcement of Shria in Swat and other areas in the NWFP.
The congregation of tens of thousands of people was also addressed by Maulana Jamshaid, Maulana Mohammad Ahmed and Mualana Fahim.
‘Muslims should preach peace, brotherhood and tolerance across the world, including Israel. They must avoid imposing their creed or faith by force because Islam is a religion of peace and promotes tranquillity,’ another scholar told the mammoth gathering.
Maulana Mohammad Ahmed, a former educationist, said that Muslims should inspire adherents of other religions by their good moral and social behaviour. People who thought that Shariah could be imposed by force were simpletons, he said.
‘We should reach out to all human beings and guide them out of darkness. Before the advent of Islam, people were so inflexible that they used to bury their daughters without remorse. (But they changed.) Remember …human beings are above other creations of God,’ said Maulana Ahmed, the custodian of the largest seminary of the Tableeghi school of thought in Raiwind near Lahore.
The main message of the gathering was that Islam could not be confined to Pakistan or any other geographical area and there was a need to spread the religion of peace in every corner of the world.
People from across the country who had converged there pledged that they would continue the mission of spreading Islam across the world.
Jul 30, 2009
Imam Suhaib Webb (Maliki) on tabligh
My wife is pushing me to go with Tabligh! Who are they and what to do?
Answered by Imam Suhaib Webb
Tabligh’s Beginnings
Tablighi Jamat represents one of the great efforts to revive the faith of Islam in the hearts of Muslims. Their founder, Mawlana Ilyas (may Allah have mercy on him) was a man of great piety and concern for the Umma. His father was Mawlana Muhammad Ismail (may Allah have mercy on him) who, although a great learned man, was known for drawing water from wells, serving travelers and then offering two rakats of shukr to Allah for blessing him to serve them. He died in 1896 and his funeral prayer was so crowded that it had to be repeated. Shortly after his prayer, a pious man saw him in his dream saying, “Send me off soon. I am feeling ashamed The Holy Prophet is waiting for me.”
His mother, Bibi Safia (may Allah have mercy on her) memorized the entire Qur’an and was known for reading 10 Ajza (parts) of Qur’an every day during the month of Ramadan. She was known for her piety and reverence in worship. She was not only a worshiper of Allah, but she was a Murabiyah, who built and nurtured the young Mawlana and watered him from the blessed spring of Islam. Once, seeing something great in her son’s future, she said to him, “Ilyas, I feel the aroma of the holy Companions in you.” She used to place her hand on his back, and would say, “How is it that I see figures resembling the holy Companions moving along with you?”
The blessed fruit of these noble parents, Mawlana Ilyas, was born in 1885. It was in this home that the Mawlana was raised and nurtured on faith and actions. Once, the Mawlana, describing his grandmother, stated that she had become so engrossed in her worship and dhikr that she stopped eating. It was said to her, “You are old and weak and must eat!” She responded, “I draw sustenance from my tasbihat (remembrance of Allah).” Thus, the young Mawlana was surrounded by pious examples of people who were so attached to Allah that the world attached to them.
The Mawlana memorized the entire Qur’an at a young age and continued his studies of different Islamic sciences. He was known for having an intense presence about him. One day his teacher said to him, “When I see Muhammad Ilyas, I am reminded of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them).” He was known for a strong intellect and excelled his peers in all of his studies. He had a number of great teachers and was blessed to study the works of Bukhari and Tirmithi; however, he was struck by an illness which led to his increase in studies and spiritual devotion.
In 1910 he assumed a teaching position at a famous school. After the death of his two brothers, and almost his own, the Mawlana moved to Dehli and began to teach. There he witnessed the horrible conditions of the Muslim Umma. In fact, it is well known that the Muslims there had adopted Hindu names, forgot their prayers and observed Hindu rights and festivals over their own. Under these conditions the heart of this saint pushed him to act. It was not sufficient for the Mawlana to focus solely on himself, but his true devotion to Allah and the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him pece) led him to openly address the ills of the society. Thus, like the famous scholars before him, he not only focused on the purification of his soul, but the purification of his society and the Muslims around him. Thus, he was led to open a number of schools and educational institutions that focused on reviving the core Islamic teachings amongst the people. It was through this effort that Tablighi Jamat was born.
I’m sure many of our readers are wondering, why the long answer. Let me state that I felt it was an obligation to give them a small glimpse into the life of one of the greatest reformers our Muslim nation has seen in the last 200 years.
Summary of Tablighi Jamat:
Tablighi Jamat is a movement designed to bring faith back into the lives of the Muslims. They focus on five major duties and travel to different locations in order to spread the message of faith and dawa (calling to Allah) to other Muslims. They serve as one of the important alarm clocks whose job is to awaken a sleeping Umma, and remind it of its noble position and tasks. Members are encouraged to go for 3 days in a month, 40 days in a year and, if possible, 4 months in a lifetime.
Answer to the question:
Akhi, I think you should be happy that your wife is complaining that you’re not making dawa, praying, or doing enough for Allah’s deen. It sure beats hearing someone complain about the bills, not having the latest Visa Platinum or a new SUV etc. In fact, such a wife is one of the greatest gifts of Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “This world is nothing but goods. And the best thing in this life is a righteous wife.” Thus, instead of being angry at your wife, you should praise Allah that he has blessed you with her and she is encouraging you to look after your faith.
As was mentioned earlier, Tablighi Jamat serves as one of the many alarm clocks that Allah has used to wake up this umma. There are many such that are working to benefit others and do good in society. All of these groups have good and bad qualities, thus, what is obligated is to follow the truth. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Wisdom is the lost property of the believer.” Thus, one should approach these different groups as one would a fruit garden, examine the fruit and take what is good, If you are able to correct the wrongs found in these groups, based on sound knowledge and wisdom then you should do so. In addition, one of the dangers that any group possesses is a blind fanaticism (ta’assub) which, at times, causes splitting and hatred to appear in the hearts of the believers. It is important to realize that these groups are mere custodians of the umma and not vice versa. Thus, if you are not comfortable with Tabligh, then try and work with another group in your city or location. Islamic work is needed today in the West more than ever. Thus, work with groups who cling to the way of the sunna, avoid extremes on any side, and seek Allah’s assistance.
As for your wife, mention to her the story of Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him): Once a man from the people of renunciation (zuhd) sent him a letter, chastising him for not fasting enough, praying in the night or wearing shabby clothes. The Imam responded by saying, “Allah has distributed actions amongst His servants as He has distributed their sustenance.” Then he mentioned how Allah has placed the love of certain types of worship (ibada) in the hearts of His servants. Thus, you would have a person who loved seeking knowledge, one who loved zuhd and another who loved dawa. The Imam finished his letter by saying, “I have no doubt that you’re on good from your Lord and I’m on good from Him as well.” Thus, you can explain to her, it is very normal for one to be inclined to a certain type of Islamic group. Then, explain to her where your heart leads you and perhaps try to compromise. One night a week you can attend different programs together as a family. Thus, one week for her flavor and the next for yours.
Finally, nicely remind your beloved that it impossible for anyone to know what is in the hearts of Allah’s servants. Thus, if you do something good, she should assume the best and avoid the whispers of Shaytan. The Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said, “Be careful of suspicion. For, indeed, it is the worst type of speech.”
A Few Points:
1. Mawlana Ilyas (may Allah have mercy on him) did not appear out of a vacuum. Like so many other great luminaries of our umma, the Mawlana was surrounded by wonderful parents who encouraged him to be a great Muslim. Thus, our brothers and sisters should focus on raising the next Imam Shafi’i, Malik or Salah al-din. Therefore, try to teach your children about the Sahaba (may Allah be well pleased with them). Then ask them to choose their favorite. Try to encourage that child to emulate the characteristics of that Sahabi. But remember that the most important lesson they will learn, are those that illuminate from the parents.
2. True tazkiyah leads one past mere focus upon the soul. A true servant of Allah is also concerned with the conditions and situations around him. Ibn Kathir relates that once Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked, “Who is better? One who stays away from others, or one who mingles with others and continues to worship Allah?” Umar said, “Those who mingle with others, put up with their difficulties and continues to worship Allah, “Indeed, they are those whom Allah has tested their hearts for Taqwa.” At the same time mere actions with no inner connection are like an empty cup. Thus, Mawlana Ilyas represented a rare balance of a person. He had a personality built on sound knowledge, sound tazkiyah and sound actions.
3. It is important to realize that the Ahl-Sunna is very wide. It is very dangerous to declare different groups out of Ahl al-Sunna based on one’s mere love for their group. Thus, such issues should be left to the scholars. One thing that one should do is not merely listen to what others say about certain scholars such as Imam Ghazali or Ibn Taymiyya. It is always better to read about their lives and understand the historical and cultural realities that they dealt with.
4. In general it is important to realize that people are different when it comes to different acts of worship. Thus, a truly wise person recognizes this and tries to facilitate the needs of his or her family or community. It is important for MSA’s and masjids to organize programs that benefit all community members. We must move past group politics and work towards realistic unity.
5. The state of the heart is known only to Allah. Thus, questioning another’s intention is something that should be avoided. The great knower of Allah, Junaid (may Allah have mercy upon him), said, “Ikhlas is a secret between Allah and His servant. No angel knows it, nor can any shaytan overcome it.”
6. The virtue of having a pious good fearing wife.
I ask Allah to protect us from ta’assub (blind fanaticism) and hatred. I ask Him to unite the hearts of the umma and make us as one body.
And Allah knows best
Suhaib Webb
Jul 29, 2009
Dua of Moulana Zubair
so Moulana Zubair came for dua at end and a near meaning of his dua....
The words he began with ....." Ya Allah, jitnay badhay is kaam may thay sub ek ek kar chalegaye, jitnay safaid dadi walay thay, sub ek ek kar chalyey gaye.. ya Allah ab sirf ginti kay chand loug rahgaye hai..pata nahi ye b kab jamay jhod kar chalejayengay... (Ya Allah, all the elder people of this work have went away, all those have white beards are going away one after another, now there are just a few countable people alive, we dont know when they will also leave us )
By now all the people in the top floor(which was completely filled) were crying very sadly.
Then he continued.. " Ya Allah ab tuhi hamari hifazath farma... Saari duniya is waqt hamay dekh rahihai, sari duniya ki nazar is waqt hamper hay, har koi ham per ungli utatha hai (Ya Allah, please save guard us, the complete world is watching us, everyone points out fingers at us(well, he didnt mean pointing out the errrors of indivduals)) "
then he said this world, which are crystal clear in my mind and inshaAllah will be in future
He said.. " Ya Allah, yaha jitnay loug hai.. unay kuch takleef hoti hai... kuch parayshani hoti hai... toh apnay ghar chale jatay hai, apnay ghar waloun say usay banth tay hai,ya hamay suna detay hai.. ..dil halka hojata hai... Lekin Ya Allah... hum kaha jaye... hum toh yahi per hai.. hum kiskay pass jaakar hamarai takleefoun ko bataye ya Allah.. hamari toh sunnay wala koi nahi hai...bus tu hi hai.. ya Allah. (Ya Allah, the people who are here, if they have worries and pains, they will go to their families, they will share it with their families or they will share with us, their heart will become light. But ya Allah.. where should we go..we are always here.. where should we go and share our worries and pains.. to whom should we tell obout our worries and pains.. there is no one to listen to us.. only You are there ya Allah)
really who is there to listen them
Abdul Quddus
Jul 27, 2009
A Deed Few People Practice
Assalamu 'ALaikum
عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرٍو عَنِ النَّبِىِّ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- أَنَّهُ قَالَ « خَصْلَتَانِ أَوْ خَلَّتَانِ لاَ يُحَافِظُ عَلَيْهِمَا رَجُلٌ مُسْلِمٌ إِلاَّ دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ هُمَا يَسِيرٌ وَمَنْ يَعْمَلُ بِهِمَا قَلِيلٌ تُسَبِّحُ اللَّهَ عَشْراً وَتَحْمَدُ اللَّهَ عَشْراً وَتُكَبِّرُ اللَّهَ عَشْراً فِى دُبُرِ كُلِّ صَلاَةٍ فَذَلِكَ مِائَةٌ وَخَمْسُونَ بِاللِّسَانِ وَأَلْفٌ وَخَمْسُمِائَةٍ فِى الْمِيزَانِ وَتُسَبِّحُ ثَلاَثاً وَثَلاَثِينَ وَتَحْمَدُ ثَلاَثاً وَثَلاَثِينَ وَتُكَبِّرُ أَرْبَعاً وَثَلاَثِينَ إِذَا أَخَذَ مَضْجَعَهُ - فَذَلِكَ مِائَةٌ بِاللِّسَانِ وَأَلْفٌ فِى الْمِيزَانِ. قَالُوا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ كَيْفَ هُمَا يَسِيرٌ وَمَنْ يَعْمَلُ بِهِمَا قَلِيلٌ قَالَ « يَأْتِى أَحَدَكُمْ الشَّيْطَانُ إِذَا فَرَغَ مِنْ صَلاَتِهِ فَيُذَكِّرُهُ حَاجَةَ كَذَا وَكَذَا فَيَقُومُ وَلاَ يَقُولُهَا فَإِذَا اضْطَجَعَ يَأْتِيهِ الشَّيْطَانُ فَيُنَوِّمُهُ قَبْلَ أَنْ يَقُولَهَا ». فَلَقَدْ رَأَيْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يَعْقِدُهُنَّ فِى يَدِهِ.
Abdullah ibn 'Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) said,
"There are two characteristics that whenever the Muslim maintains them will enter Jannah. These two traits are easy to possess. However, only a few people acquire them. Say " Subhanallah" ten times, "Al-Hamduillah" ten times and "Allahu akbar" ten times at the end of each Salah. By practicing this deed you earn one hundred and fifty rewards for your tongue and one thousand five hundred for the scale (of good deeds). And before you go to sleep say "Subhanallah" thirty three times, Al-Hamdulilah" thirty three times and Allahu akbar thirty four times. By saying these words before you sleep you gain one hundred good deeds for your tongue and one thousand deeds for the scale. The companions (may Allah be pleased with them) asked" Oh messenger, How is that these deeds are easy, yet few people do them? He said," Right after a person finishes praying Shaitan comes to him and reminds him of something that he has to do. Therefore this person gets up and leaves without saying these words. Additionally, when he lies in his bed Shaitan comes to him and causes him to fall asleep before he mentions these words. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr(may Allah be pleased with him)said , " I saw the messenger of Allah(May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him)say these words using his hand to count them.
Collected by Abu Dawud(5065), At-Tirmithi( 3410)Nisa'i(926)and Ahmed(2/205) Imam An-Nawwawee graded the isnad of this hadeeth as being Saheeh and Imam At-Tirmithi said this hadeeth is Hasan Saheeh.
Badrudeen 'Al-'Aynee(855H. May Allah have mercy on him) commented on this hadeeth in his book " Al-Ilmul Hayyab fee Sharhil Kalamee Tayyib." He wrote;
1. Abdullah is: Abdullah ibn'Amr ibn Al-'as
2. The narrator of the hadeeth wasn't exactly sure if he (peace and blessings be upon him)said, "خَصْلَتَانِ أَوْ خَلَّتَانِ"
3.Whenever the Muslim maintains them: Muslims don't acquire these two traits; as they don't practice them deed as a norm.
4.One hundred and fifty for the tongue: If a person says these words after the five daily prayers they will total 150 as 30 X 5= 150
5.One thousand five hundred: Means that every good word which totals 10 is multiplied by 10, so if we sum 150 x 10 we get 1500.
6.Say " Allahu Akbar" thirty four times: This is the second trait. The first one is to say "Subhanallah, Al-Hamdulilah and Allahu Akbar "thirty three times after each obligatory Salah.
7. One hundred good deeds for the tongue: This is earned because "Allahu Akbar is said thirty four times, Al-Hamdulilah is thirty three times and Subhanallah is thirty three times, and the total of those is one hundred. And to multiply one hundred by ten you get a sum of 1,000 for the scale.
8.The prophet(peace and blessings be upon him)used his hands: He counted the number of times he said them with his hand.
9.The companions said," How is it that…? :These two traits aren't acquired by many. In other words they asked how is it that something so easy is neglected; as it's known that when something is easy to do a lot of people do it. Consequently he(peace and blessings be upon him) explained why few people obtain these traits. Shaitan comes to a person when he goes to bed and continues to whisper to the son of Adam until he falls asleep. Also Shaitan comes to a person while he is praying and continues to whispers thoughts and ides that wasn't in his mind before. Therefore he gets up after finishing the prayer and leaves before saying these words.
Benefits derived from this hadeeth:
The invocation and the mention of Allah's names are a means for the servant to enter Jannah.
Good deeds are multiplied by ten or more.
The scale is a fact.
Counting the glorification of Allah is done using the hands.
Shaitan is persistent with his whispers to the son of Adam during prayer and at bed time. ( end of Explanation)
We ask Allah to extend His mercy and allow us to practice this deed daily.
Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont Battle
Doha, Qatar© 1/4/1429
Mohammad Salih
Jul 26, 2009
Tabligh and tasawwuf
Very nicely explained by Moulana Nazim mangera
When we talk about Tabligh, we talk about the most important aspect of it which is going to individuals and meeting them at their places. How does Tasawwuf incorporate this in their day to day activities when this was the main responsibility of every prophet i.e. going to the people.
When TJ folks don't see that in Tasawwuf and they understand the importance of it, they don't give as much attention to doing bayt with a shaykh.
They feel that the purpose of Tasawwuf which is Tazkiyah can be attained through Tabligh so they don't feel the need to do bayt.
So folks....stop whining about Tabligh Jamat not doing enough of Tasawwuf because they are doing much more Tasawwuf than what Tasawwuf folks are doing for Tabligh.
Jul 25, 2009
The Man Behind the Armor- A look at the way Salah ad Din Al Ayubi lived
Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi (Rahimahullah).
He defied the odds in an era of darkness. He set aside the criticism of those who called him crazy for wanting to do the seemingly impossible: uniting the Ummah, standing up to the Crusaders, and returning honor where it belonged. He was respected by both his friends and foes, and is perhaps one of the few men whose name evokes feelings of honor and pride in the minds of so many people in every era and place. Even the generally anti-Muslim film industry in America could not help but portray the honor and righteousness that Salah ad-Din was known for.
We all know of how he laid waste to the Crusaders and had them chasing their tails in the battles of Alexandria, Hittin, Acre, Tyre, Beirut, Nablus, Haifa, Tiberius, Gaza, 'Asqalan, Jerusalem, and dozens of other cities and towns across Sham and North Africa. We know of Salah ad-Din the warrior.
But, who was the man behind the armor? What was he like as a person? What was he like as a Muslim? What personality does it take to carry out such heroic feats and achieve such a status?
In 'al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah' (13/5-6), Ibn Kathir said that at the time of his death, Salah ad-Din hardly had any money in his possession, and this is because:
"…of the immense amount of gifts and charity and kindness that he used to show the leaders and ministers under his command, and even to his enemies! I've already described this previously. And he was very simple in his clothing, food, drink, and transportation. He would only wear cotton, linen, and wool. It is not known that he ever approached anything forbidden or discouraged, especially after Allah blessed him with his kingdom. Rather, his greatest concern and goal was to aid Islam."
Ibn Kathir continued:
"This is all in addition to the virtues and unique skills he possessed in the Arabic language, poetry, and history, such that it was said he had memorized 'al-Hamasah' (a book of poetry compiled by Abu Tammam at-Ta'i) in its entirety.
And he was very strict in praying on time in jama'ah. It is said that he never missed a single prayer in jama'ah for a great part of his life, even during the illness that killed him. The imam would enter and lead him in prayer, and he would struggle to get up and pray despite his weakness."
He continued:
"And he loved to hear the recitation of the Qur'an and the reading of ahadith and knowledge. He was constant and habitual in listening to ahadith being read to him, to the point that he would hear a section read to him while he was standing between the ranks of soldiers! He would enjoy doing this and say: "Nobody listens to ahadith in a situation like this.""
He also mentioned:
"He had a soft heart, and was easily swayed to tears when he would hear ahadith."
He continued:
"And Salah ad-Din was from the bravest of people, and the strongest of them in body and heart despite the illnesses and sickness his body suffered from. This was most evident during the Siege of Acre, where despite the massive numbers of the enemy, he only increased in power and bravery. They had as many as 500,000 soldiers – some say 600,000 – and he killed 100,000 of them."
He also said:
"He was generous, well-rounded, always laughing and smiling. He would never slack off in any good that he did. He was extremely patient when doing good and worshipping Allah."
In 'Siyar A'lam an-Nubala" (15/436), it's mentioned that al-Muwaffaq 'Abd al-Latif said:
"I went to Salah ad-Din while he was in Jerusalem, and I saw a king who filled eyes with amazement and hearts with love, whether they were near or far. He was an easygoing person, likeable, and his companions used to try to imitate him, racing towards good actions, as Allah Said: {"And We removed any sense of pain from their hearts, making them like brothers…"} [al-Hijr; 47]
The first night I spent with him, I found his gatherings filled with scholars engaged in knowledge. He would listen intently and participate in their discussions. He would learn how to build walls and dig trenches, and he would then do this himself, carrying the rocks on his own shoulders."
al-'Imad said in 'as-Siyar' (15/440):
"He would only wear what was permissible to wear, such as linen and cotton. His gatherings were free of vain talk, and they were only attended by the most virtuous people. He loved to hear ahadith being read with their chains of narration. He was forebearing, honest, pious, pure, and trustworthy. He would contain himself and not become angry. He would never turn back someone in need or embarrass someone who spoke in front of him. He was extremely kind and charitable, and he reprimanded me for decorating my utensils in silver, and I replied that Abu Muhammad al-Juwayni mentioned a point of view of it being permissible. And I never saw him praying except in jama'ah."
Also on the same page, Abu Ja'far al-Qurtubi said that when Salah ad-Din was on his deathbed:
"I finished reciting the Qur'an at the verse: {"He is Allah, besides Whom there is none worthy of worship; the Knower of the Unseen and the seen…"} [al-Hashr; 22] and I heard Salah ad-Din saying: "This is true," and he was in a coma before this. He then died, and al-Khatib ad-Dawla'i washed his body. He was brought out in a coffin, and Muhi ad-Din bin az-Zinki prayed over him. He was then returned to the room in the garden where he had been sick and was buried in a kiosk. Voices were raised in crying, and it became so loud that even the smart one would think that the whole world was screaming in a single voice. The people were so overwhelmed that some of them were distracted from praying over him. People expressed their remorse at his passing - including the Crusaders, due to how truthful and trustworthy he was."
adh-Dhahabi said:
"And I never saw a king whose death people were sad for except him. This is because he was loved by everyone: he was loved by the righteous and the wicked, the Muslim and the kafir."
The above descriptions speak for themselves.
This was Salah ad-Din. This was the man behind the armor. This was his lifestyle and character, and it was nothing other than this that served as the platform for the amazing feats across the lands that we remember him for today. It was nothing other than his lifestyle and character that made him the one chosen by Allah out of all his contemporaries to have the vision and do the deeds that would make him such a legend.
And this lifestyle and character is something you find common between all of the legends of Islam we have today, be they scholars or Mujahidin. You always find them paying great attention to the following: daily recitation of the Qur'an, studying of the Shari'ah, giving tons of charity, preventing a single useless word (let alone harmful or obsene) from coming out of their mouths, and living simple lives free of luxury and excessive comfort. Believe it or not, some of us actually look at these things as difficult, boring, and lacking excitement, and we ignore them out of an inability to comprehend how these would be linked to the heroic deeds that these legends became known for. However, there is no way around it: it was this lifestyle alone that made it possible for these people to live for something greater than themselves – for Islam. There is no way you can dream of defending the Shari'ah if you don't even have the willpower to implement it on a daily basis in your own life.
One more thing should be mentioned: he wasn't always like this. adh-Dhahabi said in 'as-Siyar' (15/434 and 436):
That's right. Salah ad-Din al-Ayyubi – this righteous man who singlehandedly changed the course of history – loved to drink and indulge in the dunya before he decided to take on the Crusaders. This small fact teaches us a mighty lesson: not everyone is born into a life of taqwa. The great people we love and admire who are out there were not always so great, and this gives you hope no matter how insignificant or lost you think you are that you can become something truly great one day."Since his time as a ruler, he had abandoned alcohol and worldly pleasures."
"He used to drink alcohol, and then repented from it."
May Allah bless Salah ad din Rahimahullah and grant us the guidance to change our ways. amin
Moulana Saad Speeches with English Translation
It is in urdu with english translation
Download the speeches one after other, since only one file can be downloaded at a time
Ml Sa'ad talk part 1/4 (first 3:30 min is not clear and after that it is clear)
Ml Sa'ad talk part 2/4
Ml Sa'ad talk part 3/4
Ml Sa'ad talk part 4/4
Ijtema talk
JazakAllahu khairan to the sender, he used this service " Upload and get instant link "
Saying's of Moulana Ibrahim Dewla
I begin in the name of Allah
These are some of the notes i happen to write in the speech of Moulana Ibrahim Dewla. This speech was delivered in the gathering where there were almost all of the elders of various states all over India.
Ml. Ibrahim Dewla is the top scholar of tabligh
and the people he was talking to were those who spend their lives in tabligh
SubhanAllah what type of words he is telling to them
1. Jahalat ka muqaabla akhlaq say karo
(When some one talks to you in a bad way, then behave with him in a well manner)
(When you see something bad(commiting sin) in a person, then remove that bad habit with good words)
3. Ye kaam vasila hai, asal kaam sunnat aur shariah pay chalna hai, jaisay wazu vasila hai namaz ka
(The work of tabligh is a means, while the important work is to follow sunnah and shariah, just as doing wadhu is a means for praying salah)
4. Kaam may Quality hona chahiye, quantity nahi (yes, he said those words in english :) )
(There should be quality in work, not quantity)
5. Deen may jitni qhobi paida ki jaasakti hai, karna chahiye
(We should try to reach the highest possible status in islam)
6. Apnay sathi kay andar sifaat lana, bahut badi zimmedaari hai
(Bringing the qualties of islam in our friends is a very great responsibility)
7. Jiskay paas Taqwa hai, unka kaam khubool hoga
(Who has fear of Allah, only their work is accepted)
8. Vasail ko karna hai taakay asal tak pahunch jaaye, agar vasail may hi pad jayengay toh phir deen ek rasam banjayega, jo sirf dikhanay kay khabil hoga.
(We should adpot means(work of tabligh) to reach the target(following sunnah and shariah), if we just follow means, then islam will become ritual, which will be just for showing others)
9. Hamaray pass sachai hai, dikhawa nahi, isi ki inshaAllah Allah tareef karega
(We have the truth, not showing off. Allah will inshaAllah praise this)
10. Kaam phaylana alag hai, aur jaan padna alag hai, hamay kaam may jaan chahiye. Mawiya RaziAllahu anhu kay zamanay may deen khoob phela, lekin Umar RaziAllahu anhu kay zamanay may jaan thi. Hamaray kaam may jaan ho
(Spreading the work is a different thing and developing potential in the work is a different thing. In the time of Mawiya RaziAllahu anhu, islam was spread very much. But in the time of Umar RaziAllahu anhu there was potentiality in islam. We need potential work)
11. House may paani jaha say jaata hai, waha mehnat karna chahiye
(The place where the water leaks from the tank, we have to work on that part)
updated 28/7
12. doh mahinay isliye hai, k sathi apna kaam basirath kay sath karay
(one should spend 2 months in markaz, so that they can be able to do work with understanding)
13. doh mahinay dawat aur khidmat kay liye hai
(2 months are for giving dawah and to serve)
14. Yaha loug kaam samajnay aatay hai, toh unko samhalnay waalay chahiye
(People come here to understand tabligh, so we need people to server them)
15. Jab logoun ko kaam samjao gay, toh nustath paida hogi deen ki
(When you teach people about the work of tabligh, then they will also help in spreading the islam)
16. kaam waha accha hoga jaha koi poochnay wala nahi
(The work will be done better, where people dont even ask you)
17. Mehnath magsad kay liye hoti hai, mehnath mehnath kay liye nahi hoti. Tabligh chalnay phirnay kay liye nahi, deen ko zindagi may laanay kay liye hai
(The work is done to get some result, work is not done just because we have to work. Tabligh is not just for moving here and there, its to bring islam in our lives)
18. kaam ho na ho, ummat phatna nahi chahiye.
(Even if the work of tabligh is not done, one shouldnt divide ummah)
19. Allah say kaam ki basirath maangna chahiye
(We should ask Allah for understanding of tabligh)
20. Bayroon ka safar shouk kay liye math karo, warna jamath tut jaye gi
(Do not travel to foreign countries just for your liking, else the jamath will not function properly)
Jul 23, 2009
Terrorism and Tabligh
NEW DELHI: Maulana Mohammed Ilayas, who exhorted Muslims to become true Muslims ( Aye Musalmano, Musalman bano ), founded Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) in 1920s in Delhi’s Nizamuddin area. TJ has since emerged as a leading Muslim revivalist movement with presence in nearly 80 countries.
Though it is difficult to put a number to the growing Tablighis, some idea about its reach and influence can be had from the fact that at least 100 of their Jamaats - each comprising 10 to 12 members - fan out of the Markaz (the international headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat in Nizamuddin) to different parts of the country, and overseas every day.
Throughout its seven-decade existence, Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) has sought to discreetly go about its business - which requires its members to travel to different places for missionary activities.
But, now that it has come under international scrutiny for alleged links to global terror, TJ has turned somewhat introvert, wary of too much contact with the outside world.
The Markaz, which is stone’s throw from the mausoleum of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya, is a four-storeyed structure with space for prayers on all the floors. It has a modest office, a madarasa and rooms for guests from India and abroad.
The complex remains cramped, and is packed to capacity throughout the year. The third floor of the complex is exclusively for foreigners.
It is from the Delhi Markaz that Jamaats (groups) are sent across the country to remind Muslims of the need to persist on the path of Allah.
The duration of a Jamaat work varies from three to 40 days. During tours, they remain inside mosques and go door-to-door, asking people to come for prayers and listen to bayan (sermons), so that they develop the urge to follow the path of salvation. Every Jamaat is led by a leader or Emir.
The Markaz keeps a record of every Jamaat in the country, and is a strongly centralised group headed by a two-member Shura. The Shura comprises Maulana Saad Kandhalawi and Maulana Zubair.
The destination of a Jamaat is decided through Mashwara (consultation) with the Shura.
Tablighis say that Sunati Rasullaha (Prophet’s way of life) is the Jamaat’s code of conduct. While dress code isn’t binding, they prefer to clothe themselves in the style of the Prophet: Loose overalls.
While the Tablighis claim that anybody can join a Jamaat, the process, in reality, is cumbersome: A prospective member must have his identity verified from his local mosque.
Maulana Yousuf Saloni of the Delhi Markaz describes Tabligh centres as spiritual hospitals. “Why do you go to a hospital? Hospitals treat medically unwell people. Similarly, we treat spiritually sick people.”
Asked about the alleged Tablighi connections of Kafeel Ahmed, who was pulled out of a burning jeep in the failed UK terror plot, Saloni says, “You can’t understand religion in days or weeks. It takes years to understand religion. These terrorists don’t understand the message of the Almighty and resort to violence. They have no understanding of the religion, that’s why they are bringing a bad name to religion.”
According to Saloni the hard times facing the Muslims worldwide is God’s way of teaching them a lesson. “They are moving away from God and his religion, and are hence being subjected to humiliation, suspicion and disgrace, all over the world.”
Most people who come to the Markaz are well off; it is not an organisation of illiterate and poor; among its main promoters are well-known religious scholars, businessmen, executives, professors, doctors, engineers, government servants and students.
A Tablighi says, “Let me give you an example of what Tabhligi life is like: we have a member, who retired as chief vigilance officer of the DDA. At the time of his retirement, he had nothing - no car, no house, even as his juniors have amassed ever material comfort. A Tablighi remains steadfast on the path of Allah and does not seek personal fortune.”
Twenty-one-year-old Shahid Azam from Gorakhpur says there’s no reason for one to believe the propaganda against Tabligh.
Of the Tablighis, he says, “They are trained to be mild-mannered. What they will do is just greet you, and enquire about the reasons of your absence from the mosque, and ask you to come to the mosque for prayers.”
While most members are reluctant to speak to the media, Dawood, an Ethiopian, is more candid. He says that TJ is about religion and nothing else. “The Jamaat will come to you. They will tell you some disciplines of Islam - how a true Muslim should live.”
He says that whatever is being done in the name of Jihad is terrorism.
“This has put us in deep trouble. People don’t trust us. I have come to Delhi from Hyderabad, to renew my passport. But, nobody is willing to give me a hotel room. It is clearly mentioned in Quran, come what may, you can’t attack non-combatants, women and children. There is no religion that tells you to kill innocent people. The business of international terror is for land and not religion.”
Jul 19, 2009
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Jul 16, 2009
Jul 12, 2009
Clearing the misconceptions about graves in Markaz
seeing all the junk spread about markaz nizamuddin, i tried to give here a brief explanation about where are graves and the status given to them at markaz
enter the code on the right and click download, wait for 25 seconds and it says " regular download", click on that and your download begins
check this link : click here
May 13, 2009
How women move in tabligh ?
2. all should gather at the khawatin manzil (a special place(mostly houses) only for women to gather, which is present in every halqa or division). i.e the mahram will come and leave his wife at the house and he will go to the masjid which is nearby and all men gather there to do mashwara
3. while leaving for a station or airport, the mahram goes to the house where women stay and take his partner to the station (most of the time vehicles of local sathis are used for this purpose)
4. while travelling they should sit with their mahram, for example like in a bus the women should sit near window side and man on general side
5. after reaching the destination, again the women travel to khawatin manzil along with their mahrams and the men then go to the masjid near by
if the mahram is husband, then husband is allowed to sleep with his wife in turns, i.e if two are more pairs are present, they are allowed to get together one after another based on the capacity of seperate rooms khawatin manzil has and it should have minimum of one
if the mahram is daughter or sister then the mahram can meet her anytime when there is no ijtemai amal
in this way the mahrams meet with their partners almost every day
so where are they left alone, away from their mahrams ??
khawatin manzils are the most secure places for any women traveller to stay in, they are mainly houses in which a seperate flat is given for jamats and the family of that house also stays there, manzils are not seperate houses or flats where only women have to stay, even the other members of halqa stay with them
i have seen masturat jamaats travelling in a van with a male driver and their mahram in a seperate vehicle to and from the destiination
if the vehicle resources are less, then they might have gone, but atleast one of the mahrams will travel with them
i have also seen each pair(10 couples(2 jamaths)) brought in a seperate vehicle to the markaz
its a common practice that women travel in autos and rikhshaws. atleast here they are having their mahrams following the vehicle
Apr 26, 2009
Nonsense dowry system
the dowry system in the sub-continent is a wrath on muslims.
it has gone so far that the parents have started to save dowry for a daughter the time she is born.
these two incidents have made me wondered and i felt i would go and slap them left and right
1. my mom was telling a relative of ours called an another relative and said that some one in her relatives wanted to marry their daughter, she straight aaway first asked how much dowry are they willing to give, interestingly my aunt said we are not at all interested in such people
2. another close relative of mine has a single daughter, she is going to be married to a bit religious family, thought they havent asked anything, this brides mother is doing over acting, she is giving her many new things like laptop and all, creating a new extra bidah and burden to others. to show my discontent, i have decided to just meet the bride groom in function all, and come back, i am not going to eat or drink anything there and not even stay more than 10 minutes. first of all i am ashamed to even go there, but since they are my close relatives i have to go orelse i am afraid it would break tie ups
it really makes me wonder to what stage muslims have fallen to, instead of showing my silent discontent, i cant do anything, but inshaallah i feel my showing of this open discontent will surely bring change among others
i pray that Allah save us all from this system and give us ability to lead a simple and happy isamic way of life
yes and it makes me very sad when i see this so called rich people spending lacks of rupees for their marriages
even the so called deeni muslims are indulged in this barbaric activity
it is just like throwing away the girls from their houses by paying extra amount of money to their husbands, such marriages hardly turn out to have enjoyable life later and for every need the husband will turn to brides family, in another incident i heard even for the gas connection they took the money from brides family, i wonder to what level this beggars will still fall
like in second story, if such people change then it will be easier to change the others
my heart still says, i shoudnt attend that marriage, but they are very close relatives of mine
the only solution i found very useful for this and i am implementing practically is
1. youngsters should strongly oppose this system (especially males)
2. when ever the talk of dowry comes, use some harsh comments like
- he want to live on money of his wife
- he cant even spent on his wife, so he takes the amount from her father
- he is a beggar
- he is impotent etcc..
p.s: only males should use such language against other brothers who take, when we start using such comments, others who wish to take dowry will feel ashamed
3. brothers shouldnt accept any thing from brides even if they want to give happily
4. brothers should do marriage in masjid and distribute dates to all attendees and disperse
5. valima can be done by calling our direct uncles and aunts at home
6. we should stop spreading the excuse " it is permissible to do according to our standard". we should remember that others follow what we do and others may not have the standard as we have
and very important: sisters too should let their desire of wearing so much jewelry and costly costumes for marriages and they should also force their families and friends to cut down the unnecessary costs for marriages
p.s i have decided to end my marriage within 10,000(around 200 US dollars) from my side and zero rupees from brides side
and plz do dua that i achieve this goal
For detail discussion, please visit Sunniforum - Nonsense dowry system
Amazing things Allah has created
these are the birds flying in the sky and this is a complete natural scene
Apr 16, 2009
Apr 7, 2009
utilizing time: inspirational story
Since last night my young son has been unwell. When I got back from Work this evening I decided to take him to hospital despite my exhaustion.
There were many waiting; perhaps we will be delayed by more than an hour. I took my number and sat down in the waiting room. There were many faces, young and old, but all silent. Some brothers made use of the many booklets available in the waiting room. A young man grabbed my attention. He was reading a pocket-sized Qur`an continuously; not raising his head even once. At first I did not think much about him. However, after one hour of waiting my casual glances turned into a deep reflection about his lifestyle and how he utilizes his time. One hour of life wasted! Instead of making benefit of that hour, it was just a boring wait. I talked to him and he told me that most of our time is wasted without any benefit. These are days that go from our lives without being conscious of them or regretting their waste. He said that he started carrying the pocket-sized Qur`an around when a friend encouraged him to make full use of his time. He told me that in the time other people waste he gets to read much more of the Qur`an than he gets to read either at home or in the masjid. Moreover, besides the reward of reading the Qur`an, this habit saves him from boredom and stress.
My thoughts were interrupted by the nurse calling out my number; I went to the doctor. But I want to achieve something now. After I left the hospital I quickly went to the bookshop and bought a pocket-sized Qur`an. I decided to be mindful of how I spend the time.
If this information is beneficial to you, then please do forward it to your friends and relatives.
Our Prophet (S.A.W) said; 'Whoever guides or directs to good, then he gets the same amount of blessing (reward) as the one who does it'
The Prophet (S .A .W) also said 'Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse'
source: Sunniforum
Apr 6, 2009
The way of tabligh jamath - Qadianis conversion
you can download (urdu) it here: Download
The way of tabligh jamath- by Makki Al hijazi
And see the strength of the Prophets, that is why the scholars say the one who is Da’i (who calls towards Islam), who does tabligh, who calls towards deen, then he also requires that strength that he should learn from the sunnah of Prophets, that they don’t argue
It is not that u get angry, otherwise u say to a man u r a human, u r not the prophet and u r telling lies. And the prophet is with same calmness, strength and they say “our Rab knows it; we are really the Prophets of Allah”
And also listen to this “ our duty is to clearly explain u about Allah, that’s it”. If u don’t want to accept, its ur wish.
That’s why the mufassireen has written, if the kafir gave a thought just on the dawah of Prophets they would understand everything. That they don’t take any income for that, they don’t take anything from us and still they are giving us a message, then why will such a man tell lies.
How many people are there in Europe, America and in the countries of Africa, and the far away countries, when the people of tabligh jamath reach them and when those people see them, they meet them, they ask them why u have come, ticket is urs, food is urs, sleeping material is urs and everything u require u bring urself. And when they say we have come with some message, we have brought the message of Islam. We want that all the our brothers and sisters who are human should be saved from hell, we have come for u . Then those people will startled.
In the same way once people of tabligh jamat went to a place, they saw a masjid, It is the habit of those poor people where ever they go they stay in masjid. And some people don’t allow them to stand in masjids, may Allah guide them, then they will search for the other places and make their own arrangements.
However when they went there, the masjid was of qadianis, because this fitna is spreading all over the world today may Allah forgive us. Yesterday I was reading this was the news from India that a woman sold her child for 4000 rupees. That mother who cant bear her poverty and sold her own child, give her 2 lakh rupees and make her qadiani, Christian what ever u like.
Now u see in countries like bosnia, chechan and where ever muslims are being killed in the name of war. And their small children, who are taking them, Christians, ngos,.
Christians and they even show sympathy, see these are small children and they will die. Have they come to show sympathy ?. but when they take a milk drinking children what do u think when he grows up he will become muslim.
You stay here(Mecca) , , it’s the greatness of Allah, u r doctor, u have good salaries, u have respect and u have vehicles and everything. In this period how many people did u deliver the message of islam.
In NGO’s there was a woman who came to Afghanistan and worked and she made 90,000 afghanis Christians. Did u ever thing what our women do sitting in the house. Ah yes, we have salaries, we work and then go and sleep. Bring food eat and sleep.
We are the slaves of our stomach, and we want all luxuries.
May Allah shower His blessings, what have Prophets gone through, say with emaan, u go to some one and u say to him I came to give u dawah of deen, and he says go u liar. What will u go through, bring this thing into ur mind. U will read quran and go way oh! They said Prophet was a liar.
I mean the Prophet of Allah, in ur country just say to a scholar that he is telling lies, one scholar or tell to a small political leader that he is telling lies, by evening ur clan will not be found in that area (5.39)
What will be the greatness of Prophets of Allah, that a person is standing in front of him and saying ur a liar and the Prophets are saying “ ok! Even if u don’t agree my Allah knows I am the Prophet”. And we have come to u to give a message. So when the people of tabligh jamath went to that masjid, the imam first didn’t accept but later he permitted. He said “ u can stay in my masjid but since we are qadianis and ur Ahle-sunnat and ur against our madhab, ur not going to do any tabligh, any dawah or read anything in my masjid, u can just stay just for a night, and this masjid was in around Canada. They said its ok.
The amir said see we cant give dawah here, in the morning where we go we will do dawah but in the tahajjuth cry and pray for this people infront of Allah. And do dua for this imam, see how nice person he is, he has atleast allowed to stay for a night. And now in tahajjuth all are crying and the imam sahib is seeing them by hiding and he thought why they are taking my name. why they are doing dua for me.
After three days they said , wassalamua'laikum we are going. The imam said, ok! If u don’t tell to anybody then I will also come with u for one or two days. He went with them. In the night he saw a dream and he was said “ till now u didn’t understand what is truth and what is false “ and he got up crying and immediately he read shahadah and became muslim. That one person then did work of deen among all the people who came to that masjid and the families around masjid who became qadianis and with the work of that one imam many families became again muslim
Apr 4, 2009
Youtube: Jamaat ut-Tabligh exposed - Part 2
i have been watching this video on youtube and felt really sorry for people who spread this false information.
Yes its true that there is a grave in masjid area, but not in place where we read salah. the grave was actually outside of masjid, but when the masjid was extended, they had to take that area inside in order to get extra place, as the roads cover from all sides as seen in picture.
but a room was built around the grave and no one can even imagine that grave is present there. in is completely fake video, bcoz when the building was built as shown in picture, by this time the grave was completely closed and i wonder from where did this guy got the picture of grave which is so open. though the room has a small window, which is always locked, it is closed from all four sides with no openings except a small window. and this room is completely backside to the salah area
its really unfortunate that people spread false information in order to get own benifits
May Allah forgive us for our sins
Mar 18, 2009
Poem on Prophets life (heart moving)
This poem is really awesome
it has a little music, u can off the sound, since there is also translation text coming in the bottom of the video
Download video
Mar 7, 2009
Need for an effort of our own eman
some things are needed to be remembered again and again
May Allah forgive us
By spring garden (Sunniforum)
We dont know in what condition our Iman would eventually end up in, that is why we should fear and place our hope in Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala regarding our Iman. When a kuffar is born in kufr, raised in kufr, lived in kufr then to die in kufr is usual. And Allah Ta'ala is Most Merciful Most Kind, He granted some of those who has lived their lives in kufr to die in Iman. But for a born muslim like us, mukmin like us, who lives by the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who evryday wakes up with Iman and goes to bed with Iman, we nonetheless should still fear, because among those who has lived their lives in Iman, there are still those who died without Iman.
That is why the effort on Iman is critical.
Throughout our lives we have been blessed with countless nikmats(blessings) from Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. and Iman is the biggest nikmat a believer can ever have. That is why the effort on Iman is essential.
Mar 1, 2009
New pets
my alltime favourite pets are pigeons, when i was small we had more than 20 in my home and we have shifted to a new house and it doesnt have open place, my mother strongly disapproves if i say that i am going to bring some pets, still this time i am planning to get a pair of fan tail pigeons, i am much confused about the color, though i like white, the problem is they get dirt on them soon and look ugly, now we cant make them bath by force you seee, they should have that commonsense of when to take a bath :)

now that i have said, i am gonna get this one, my old memories have brought tears into my eyes, so let me show you what i had as pets when i was small
1. pigeons - around 20
we had many colorful normal pigeons and my dream was to buy a fantail, which are costlier and as a child i wouldnt have efforted that much then. and my mom used to be angry with the one i already had

2. geese - around 10 to 15 (yes, we also had a swimming pool for them), and we also had those cutie yellow babies, fortunately everyone in my family liked them, when we were removing away all these geese since we had to go to new house, finally we had only one pair with one cutie small geese, a man came to even take them away, he brougt a small basket to keep that cutie in, when he kept that inside, it jumped out and came into my home again, as i loved them so much and i was a child, i started to cry like a mad, there were relatives in my house and all of them couldnt control me, oh! man i am getting emotional even now, inshaAllah i will also get them, but from where i will get those old one which i had from the day i really had consiousness :(

other story i had to tell about this, we had all white cheese, they were also present in my school but they were colorful one, so my school people asked me to exchange one colorful one with a white, i agreed. they came and took one white cheese from my home and kept one colorful one, in lunch i used to go to the place where these were kept, so that white one would come and stand near me and shout and it used to be away from other cheese, i saw that for four or five days, then i asked my school people that i want to take away my cheese, i said to them the one which you kept isnt taking any food and is becoming weak, first they didnt agree but later i asked them again and again and one day i took it away to my home, i was talking it in an open rikhshaw, when i was about half kilometer away from my home, the cheese with me again started to shout, when we came a bit near, now the one at home also started to shout, that cheese with me jumped down from the rikhshaw and it flew away to my home, yes they can fly, if they fly near by the ground, u can see the particles on ground moving, i felt so much happy that day and it was one of my happiest moment of my life
(kindly note: these geese looks so cute, but these are dangerous birds, i can say, they are just like equal to keeping dogs, when some one came to our house, we had to go upto the entrance to get them, people would fear that much of them, if a geese hits us with its wing, then that part of the body doesnt feel any sense for hours, there are also chances that it may rip your flesh off with its peak)
3. ducks - four
we had only four ducks and the main problem with them was they would lat eggs in the pool

4. hens -many varities, more than 15
yeah we had a so much of space in our old house, but the new one also has same area but its all built ( and i hate it:( ),
i feel so much happy today, because i went back to my happy childhood days, and now that i have grown up, no body will stop me from getting those again :)
Feb 28, 2009
Women in Islam, Respect given by Allah
This work is under process(it is a translation to a urdu speech), all the Quran verses and hadiths will be placed with reference and the urdu words will be replaced with english inshaAllah, please remember in duas
Oh! My daughters please read the Quran; I wish you read it,
Please listen to Quran of Allah, the respect Allah has given to you.
I wish you understand,
What has Europe given to you, what west has given to you, they have given you shamelessness, they have made you sell your bodies, they have hung you in the markets, they have dipped you in alcohol. Its Islam, which has made you sit on the sky. But there should be someone who could read it. But when you keep the spectacles of kufr (i.e you see as the things as non-believers), then how you will understand Quran.
Not only this, listen ahead my friends, listen to Allah’s Quran, the respect it has given
Allah says: those who find fault (tohmath, aib) with the pure wives, innocent wives, believing wives, those who say they have done zina, for such people there is La,nath of Allah In this world and in the here after and they have a heavy punishment
Imagine the position the women has near Allah, Allah says the pure women and the innocent women, who doesn’t know any chalaki of this world, and the women who believe Allah and his prophet, if some one charges such women then Allah says, there is wrath of Allah on them in this world and the hereafter and they have a heavy punishment.
With this Allah has opened two rulings in the Quran
if some person charges a women with zina, may Allah forbid. Saying she drinks alcohol or something, its not that, but saying she has indulged in zina, because in islam, the biggest important thing is the respect of women. That is why the disbelievers have removed the importance of women. For them women are just like a cup of tea, now one drinks from that cup after sometime some other drinks, then again wash and keep it, what valve do they give to women. Near them its just that there should be no quarrel, both should be always raazi. That people who say zina is a business, what should we explain to them about the status of women. Even now if you go to the European countries and those dirty places and markets, some women there feel its business, infact there will be advertisements and telephone numbers of women and addresses. And in that adds they write In such a way about women that a man from period of jahilaya also cannot read it. This is the respect of women (the non-believers give). What do such people know of women ?. they say we have given respect to women,
so, the two rulings are
1. if some person charges a pure women and believing women of fornication. Then what should he do, he should either bring witness, he should prove that the charge he has made is true. It not that you say what ever you like. But my brother in such community where zina is not zina, in the community where sin is not a sin, it is a business. Once I was going with a friend in his vehicle, I always make fun with him, when I sat inside, he locked the doors. I said with fun to him,do you think I will run away from your car, why are you locking the door. He said maulana if I don’t lock the door, then at traffic signals, women will come and sit inside, then they will tell you to give money, otherwise they will shout and charge you with false accustations. Now where the situation is like this, how they will know what is a women. Where for playing juwa there is women, to make drink there is a women. Then what will happen to them.
Its with the eye of justice if you see islam then you will understand,
If a person charges a pure women with fornication and cant produce a witness, then the punishment in islam is, this punishment is not given by a normal jury but the Quran of Allah.
Allah says, who charge pure women with fornication and after charging they cant produce four witness
You would not have looked over this thing, but please concentrate, on the biggest of the biggest issues, even if the issue is of billions, we have only two witnesses
Verse for 2 witness
But when the issue of womens image has come, Allah says two witness are not sufficient, we need four witness, the women is so expensive that even the billions of rupees cant compete with her. Money may come back after sometime, but when the respect of women is taken away, how can it be returned, who can return it
Then Allah says, if he cant bring four witness, then beat him 80 lashes. Because he has made a false accusation without proof.
Even after beating the punishment is not over, Allah says until he is alive, we shouldn’t consider his witness, he is the worst man and his witness shouldn’t be taken in future.
If he repents then Allah will forgive him
2. now if someone charges his own wife, see it is not a game to say anything about a women, even though she is your wife
if he charges his wife and couldn’t bring four witness, then he should stand infront of people and say for four times “ If I have told false then may Allah send his wrath on me” and fifth time he should say “I get the la’nath of Allah “
This is the respect of women, this is the importance of women, this is the position of women, that no body can open their mouth over women. No body can charge her without any reason, even though she is the wife, no body can talk what ever he likes about her. If Allah gives strength please read the sur-e-nur as many times as you can and see the respect Allah has given to women in Islam.
If Allah gives us understanding and in our heart we have the importance of Allah’s Quran, I mean if we understand the position of Quran and the sayings of Allah.
Quran is the complete and wonderful book Allah has sent to us. That is why I say if someones name comes on the kings tongue then there will be some importance of the person of whom the king is talking.
Allah has spoken specially of women in this Quran, In which there are facts about the Prophets, in which Allah has given his orders and his likings, with this Quran Allah has raised the humans from their dirty lives upto the skies
In such a book, if Allah has spoken of women. What can be the big reference than this that the women have the great position near Allah
I wish the women could understand, see one child always wants to go and play outside, he also wants to do swimming, and go and ride the bike on the river side, it doesn’t mean that if they are not allowed by their parents, then the child is not independent. A small boy is there and what ever he gets in his hand he catches it and suppose there is a knife in his hand, then how the parents run towards him, to take off that knife, now are they taking away his human rights, do we say if he is taking the knife then let him beat with it where ever he likes. If our commonsense is locked, if we keep the name of behayayi as freedom and if we keep the name of selling of bodies of women as right of human, then we cant even do the matam of this